
Clerkenwell Research Project- Part 2


The utilisation of digital technology is the strategy to improve and enhance the business performance and productivity. It is an electronic technology that helps to business entity in boosts up its speed and growth that aid in profitability of business. Various sources are included in the digital technology such as computer, laptop,Wifi, internet, social media and other. These all are effective sources for digitalisation that uses in business enterprise for  improve the speed of  procedure (Zumitzavan and Michie, 2015). At the time of implement digital technology within small business enterprise, management faces some challenges thus, that problems has been also discussed in this research study. The current investigation is based upon digitalisation and its impact on small business enterprise. The coordination between digital technology and business performance and productivity is also outlined in this investigation.

Aims and Objectives

Aim: To identify the implications of digital technology on SMEs – A Case Study on Workshop Coffee – Clerkenwell


  • To implement use of digital technology which brought significant changes in retail operations
  • To identify specific challenges faced by retail business due to digital technology
  • To understand correlation between digital technology and business performances
  • To recommend the ways for Workshop Coffee – Clerkenwell to measure their performance

Research questions

  • How to use of digital technology bring significant changes in Retail operations?
  • What are specific challenges faced by retail business due to digital technology?
  • How to correlation between digital technology and business performances?

What are the  ways for Workshop Coffee – Clerkenwell to measure their performance?

Rationale of the study

While researcher selects the subject of proposed investigation then several component affects the choice of researcher. Basically, researcher selects that subject which is more interesting for them (Garner and Scott, 2013). Thus, current research topic that is digital technology and its impact in small business enterprise. Researcher are interested to get detail knowledge about several sources and platforms of digitalisation. The guidance and tutor has recommended to researcher for select this mentioned subject as research topic. Furthermore, scholar desires to acknowledge about the real advantage and challenges of the digital technology in the small business enterprise.

Significance of the study

The present research study defines significant changes and impact of digital technology within the small business enterprise. Any organisation can easily find out the strategies to improve business performance and productivity by implementing digital technology. Thus, it can be said that with the help of this research study, scholar can easily understand the strategies to implement digitalisation within the small business enterprise. Furthermore, understanding can developed regard to use the digital technology and its several platforms within the retail business with help of this investigation. With help of this investigation, researcher can get the knowledge that how the several challenges and issue regarding the implementation of digital technology can minimise  in the business. In addition to this research helps to organisation in enhnacing their strategies and practices regarding the implementation of digitalisation.


Research methodology is a crucial aspect in the entire investigation through which information regard subject can be collected and analysed for find out solution of study (Research Methodology. 2015). It is criteria to find out solution of research issue in a systematic manner by implementing and apply several techniques such as research approach, research philosophy, data collection, data analysis, sampling, research technique, research design etc. (Bilau, Witt and Lill, 2018.) For investigate, the implication of digital technology in the small business enterprise, several methods and techniques of research methodology can applied by investigator through which appropriate solution can obtain-

Research technique- It is the major body of research methodology by which entire research can conduct. Researcher have to select research technique according to objective and aim of investigation. Qualitative and quantitative are major two part that implement in the study according to the requirement of study. The investigation has been conducted by applied qualitative technique under which information represented by use of table, graphs and charts.

Research philosophies- Interpritivism and positivism are major two philosophy that apply in research according to objective (Chenail,  2011). It aids in conducting research in effective and appropriate manner. Interpritivism research philosophy has been applied in order to diagnose the implication of digital technology in the small business enterprise.

Research design- Experimental research design has been applied in the investigation for evaluate the outcome and formulate effective functioning of investigation. With help of this experimental research design, scholar can easily conduct investigation and assess data for obtain result.

Research approach- Research approach provides path and way to organise the activities of research (Clark, 2012). It allows researcher to conduct investigation in more appropriate and accurate manner. Inductive and deductive are major two research approach but in current study, scholar have applied deductive research approach for analyse the implication of digitalisation in the small business enterprise.

Data collection- Data collection is the procedure for collect information that helps in addressing research objective. Majorly researcher uses primary and secondary data collection method. When information collects from books, blogs, magazines, newspaper and any other published item then it is known as secondary data collection (Creswell,  2013). On the other hand if information gathers from survey, interview, questionnaire etc. than it is known as primary data collection. For investigate the impact of digitalisation in the small business enterprise Workshop Coffee – Clerkenwell scholar have applied primary data collection. Survey has been organised for collect fresh information about digital technology in the Workshop Coffee – Clerkenwell.

Sampling- In the present study, scholar have applied random probability sampling method that helps to researcher in achieve appropriate solution of research (Daniel and Sam, 2011). In addition to this 20 customers of Workshop Coffee – Clerkenwell has been selected as a sample size through which primary information  can collect regarding  impact of digital technology.

Finding and results

Theme 1: Customers uses the services of Workshop Coffee Clerkenwell 

How frequently you use the services of Workshop Coffee Clerkenwell


Within 6 months


From one to two year


From two to three year


More than three year


Theme 2: Workshop Coffee Clerkenwell have presence on the social media and internet

 Do Workshop Coffee Clerkenwell have presence on the social media and internet ?






Theme 3:Customers purchases the services and items from the social media and other sources on the internet

Do you purchase the services and items from the social media and other sources on the internet ?




Can't say




Theme 4: Workshop coffee Clerkenwell provides fast and frequent services through internet and social media

Does Workshop coffee Clerkenwell provide fast and frequent services through internet and social media ?


Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Theme 5: Corporation uses attractive and digital advertisement for promote its services and products 

Does corporation uses attractive and digital advertisement for promote its services and products ?






Theme 6: Workshop coffee Clerkenwell provides online payment option to its customers

Does Workshop coffee Clerkenwell provide online payment option to its customers ?






Theme 7:Workshop coffee Clerkenwell uses customer relationship management software and application in its business

Does Workshop coffee Clerkenwell uses customer relationship management software and application in its business ?


Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Theme 8: After implement digital technology in its business, Workshop coffee Clerkenwell services and activities has been improved

Do You agree that after implement digital technology in its business, Workshop coffee Clerkenwell services and activities has been improved ?


Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Theme 9: Digital technology helps organisation in improving business activities and performance

Do you believe that digital technology helps organisation in improving business activities and performance ?




Cant Say





Theme 1: Customers uses the services of Workshop Coffee Clerkenwell

Interpretation: By this above table and graph it has been shown that in the survey majority of customer have effective experience of company services and product. As majority of customer frequently uses the services and product from the cited venture. On the collected data it has been found that from 20 customers, 8 buyers are purchasing services from, cited venture from one to two years. On the other hand, 5 customer uses services within 6 months. Thus, on the basis of gathered information it has been assessed that many buyers frequently purchases the product and services from cited venture. 

Theme 2: Workshop Coffee Clerkenwell have presence on the social media and internet

Interpretation: By this graph and table it has been found that Workshop Coffee Clerkenwell have effective presence on the social media and internet. From 20 customers, 15 buyers said yes upon the statement that Workshop Coffee Clerkenwell have presence on the internet. Thus, from this collected data it has been analysed that cited venture operates its business and carried out its business activities and function with help of social media and internet. This platforms and sources helps to company in promote and advertise its business in the market.

Theme 3:Customers purchases the services and items from the social media and other sources on the internet

Interpretation: From this above table it has been found that majority of buyers purchase product and services from social media and other sources on the internet. From 20 customers, 15 buyers are satisfied with statement that they purchase product and services by use of internet and social media. With help of social media and internet, they can get complete detail about the product and services. Social media helps to buyers in acknowledge about features, prices, distribution etc regarding commodities.

Theme 4: Workshop coffee Clerkenwell provides fast and frequent services through internet and social media

Interpretation: By this above table it has been found that Workshop coffee Clerkenwell provide fast and frequent services through internet and social media. Thus, from this data it has been analysed that social media and internet helps to cited venture in improving  customer service. By help of this platform, company can easily communicate with large numbers of customer on a single time and promote its services in the market.  Customer can purchase product on internet and social media with fast and frequent manner. 

Theme 5: Corporation uses attractive and digital advertisement for promote its services and products

Interpretation: By this graph and table it has been shown that corporation uses digital advertisement for promote and advertise its product and services. From 20 customers, 18 buyers said that corporation uses attractive and digital advertisement for its promotion and advertisement. Thus, on the basis of collected information it has been analysed that cited venture is effectively beneficial by use of digital technology as it helps in promotion its product and services through which customer  can collect detail knowledge.

Theme 6: Workshop coffee Clerkenwell provides online payment option to its customers

Interpretation: By gathered information in the survey it has been analysed that Workshop coffee Clerkenwell provides online shopping to its customers through which they can facilitate at the time of shopping product and services. From 20 customers, 15 buyers said yes that  Workshop coffee Clerkenwell  provides facility for online shopping to its customers. On the other hand 5 buyers said no upon the same statement. 

Theme 7:Workshop coffee Clerkenwell uses customer relationship management software and application in its business

Interpretation: From this above table it has been shown that majority of buyer in the Workshop coffee Clerkenwell said that yes cited venture uses customer relationship management software in its business operation. The main purpose of customer relationship management is managed the queries and complaints of customer regarding product and services and provide an appropriate solution to them. On the basis of collected data in the survey it has been assessed that cited venture uses customer relationship management software and application for handle complaints and queries of customers and provide appropriate solution to them. Theses software and applications assists to corporation in provide excellent customer satisfaction and improve brand image in the market.

Theme 8: After implement digital technology in its business, Workshop coffee Clerkenwell services and activities has been improved

Interpretation: On the basis of collected information in the investigation about digitalisation in the Workshop coffee Clerkenwell, majority of respondents are strongly agreed with statement that digital technology helps to corporation in enhancing the services and quality of business. From 20 customers, 15 buyers are strongly agreed and said that digitalisation assists in enhancing customer services and activities within business. On the other hand 1 buyer are disagreed with the same statement. Thus, from this gathered information it has been assessed that organisation can improve its quality of customer services, speed of business transaction  and growth by implement several platforms and sources of digital technology like computer, social media, laptop,  internet , WiFi etc. 

Theme 9: Digital technology helps organisation in improving business activities and performance

Interpretation: The main objective of asking this question in the research is to identify that whether digital technology improve the business performance and productivity within  Workshop coffee Clerkenwell or not. From the survey it has been determined that after uses several platforms and sources of digital technology cited venture has been improved its performance and productivity. From collected information in the investigation it has found that  out of 20 customers of  Workshop coffee Clerkenwell, 16 respondents said yes upon statement that cited ventures performance and productivity has been enhanced after use of several sources of technology.


From this entire research it has been analysed that in the Workshop coffee Clerkenwell  by use of digital technology, various activities in the different functional department has improved. In addition to this, customer are well satisfied after the implementation of digital technology. Cited venture have effective presence on the internet and social media through which its promotional and advertisement activity is significantly improved in the market. It has been also concluded from this investigation that in the small business enterprise, digitalisation boosts up the performance and productivity through which it can develop competitive advantage. It has been also concluded that on the social media and other channels on the internet, company can easily communicate with customers and identify their reviews and feedback regarding product and services. Thus, it can be said that social media and internet helps to small business enterprise in communication with customer through which company can more improve its existing performance on the basis of customer reviews and feedbacks.


Following are some recommendation for workshop coffee for implement digital technology for improve its performance and productivity-

  • Workshop coffee Clerkenwell should design a creative and beautiful web page on the internet through which it can promote its services and product in more effective manner. It should regular update attractive pictures, image, contents, video about product and services through which large numbers of customers can attract (Bruhn, Manfred, Schoenmueller and Schäfer, 2012)
  • Organisation should purchase and implement effective and highly advanced software and applications for business through which activities and function of business can improve. There are various software available in the market regarding marketing, finance, accounts, human resource etc so company should use that software in its business operation (Chan ,Ling and Guillet, 2011).
  • Company should provide training to its workers so as they can learn the criteria to operate technology and perform in excellent manner at workplace (Waser, 2012).


By conducted this entire investigation regarding implication of digital technology I have improved my knowledge and idea regarding business improvement by use technology. I have also improved my knowledge regarding the challenges for implement digital technology in small business enterprise. I have learnt that how digital technology helps in promotion and advertisement activities in the small business enterprise. By conducted survey I have designed a systematic questionnaire through which my research and interpretation skill has been improved. In addition to this, my communication skill and leadership skill has been also improved in this investigation. In this study, I have learnt about research methodology and its various research techniques and method like research approach, research design, data collection, sampling, research approach etc that helped me in addressing right solution of research problem. I have got the detail knowledge and understanding about research methodology and its several methods and techniques in the investigation. Overall I can say that this research study have largely assisted me in my knowledge and current ability and my research skill, communication skill, interpretation skill, leadership skill has been positively improved with help of this research inve

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